- Yoga. Yoga is an effective way to fight chronic pain in the body. Deep breathing when combined with asana specific movements help in dealing with sore muscles. However, doctors advise against certain kinds of yoga asanas which involve powerful physical movement as they may aggravate the pain. Active and passive yoga exercises can be combined in your daily routine focusing on different body parts.

- Walking. Not only is walking a low impact activity but its positive benefits cannot be denied. It is one of the simplest forms of exercises which you can do anywhere anytime - in a park, shopping place or simply around your office. Walking can be done in all seasons and there are very few physical conditions in which walking is not feasible.
- Pilates. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise for somebody who suffers from lower back pain as it helps in core strength building. Fitness experts also recommend Pilates to people who suffer from fibromyalgia. According to the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pilates is one of the best forms of relaxation/stretching regimes when performed under a trained eye.
- Swimming. Swimming is a recommended form of exercise for people who suffer from osteoarthritis, who have musculoskeletal issues or any type of joint disease. Swimming or any other forms of water activity are gravity resistant activities and help in treating your joints in a much better way.
- Simple stretching. Simple stretching exercises can be performed anywhere- at home and even when waiting in a queue. Stretching exercises help in getting your body parts moving and will also help in fighting pain in the body. Treat sore muscles by performing a simple 15 minute workout.
- Tai chi. Tai chai is a well accepted form of exercise for both young and adult folks. Originated in China, Tai Chi is something similar to yoga as it encourages integration of mind, body and soul. According to a New England Journal of Medicine Study, tai chi must be performed twice in a week in order to do away with body pain, fatigue and stiffness of the body.
- Light-weight training. While weight training in general, helps prevent easy injuries like sprains and strains, light-weight training helps the healing process by strengthening joint muscles around the injury area. This helps in taking the stress off the injured joint. Just by performing simple push ups or sit-ups at home one can bid pain goodbye.
Nice post. Thanks for sharing useful information. osteoarthritis treatment de
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